放上8月28日的課堂報告。雖然因為這篇報告而 upgrade 到 high advace class。但說實在的,心理很虛。畢竟短時間的衝刺,根基不穩、不紮實,我的英文程度還是一個不行、不流利,唉,挫折。

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 Culture Different

Student: Nan-Hsuan MA

Teacher: Martin


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I would like to talk about “Cultural Difference” from One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse.


Marcuse argues that the ideology of advanced industrial society produces false needs, false consciousness and one-dimensional mass consciousness. He also outlines categories such as liberation, technology, culture and democracy as dialectical ones. The dialectic of liberation -- liberation from the existing, false society -- could be achieved because the material conditions have reached a level where an immediate jump into the realm of freedom would be possible, but ideological manipulations still could forestall radical social change.


To make it simple, Marcuse told us that, if you look at the highly capitalism society carefully, you would learn, it makes “one-dimensional people” as well as the totalitarian society does. These people live ordinary lives and don’t think more than what other people usually think. The one-dimension in a totalitarian society is because the people have power don’t like different voices. The one-dimension in a capitalism society is because we are absorbed by a material society.


For example, we wear the jean and t-shirt everyday. Does anyone wear his/her own traditional clothes? Except for special event and holiday, if you wear traditional clothes, people would think you are strange.


This means, thinking in this kind of society is one-dimensional. If there were any different voice or behavior, it would be suppressed immediately. So, one-dinesional thinking becomes the new ideology – the way our minds think spontaneously without deeper thinking, and everybody would believe it and follow it. The worst is that, in the long run, people will loss the braveness to reflect and to fight. So, we gradually become a people living in another kind of totalitarian society. The ways we see other people become the same, and we don’t think about the existence of the individuality. Moreover, we may think the way we think is the way all the people should think.


For example, when we are young school kids, we always have one or two self-righteous classmates. They would say: “This course is boring. Teacher must play clown to have students’ attention.” Or they might say: “That guy is crazy. Don’t be friend to him.” They also influence other school kids to think in the same way. This is an example of one-dimensional people.


Maybe you feel the course is boring, but maybe someone feels interesting. So there’re various departments in a university. Maybe you don’t like someone, this situation doesn’t mean everybody doesn’t like he/she, either. The one, who you don’t like, should have some friends.


We, from worldwide to aggregate here and to learn English together, are lucky. Whoever you’ll be a doctor, businessman, or doing other jobs, all of us are the same sort in the biology -- the Homo Sapiens. Wherever you come from, Asia, America, Europe, Africa, or Oceania, we all live on the same earth.

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Here reveals the notions of the “Unitary” and “Community”.


But, we shouldn’t forget that different geographies make different histories. Different cultural backgrounds make us different. For instance, some people eat with chopsticks, some with knifes and forks, and some people use their hands. Does this mean the higher or lower of the quality of cultures?




Last week, we read the frontier of west America. The main idea is the people, who were frontier, (not only) earned the land and fortune, and settle down their life; but also let America natives—Indians’ life became worse. It reveals that everything has two sides of it, or more.


The question is, could we reflect and criticize? On the other hand, could we recognize each other’s opposite interpretation and angle? I think this needs braveness.


Time is linear. We always live at right now. Even it is the past second, it is past, and next second is always the future. However, the development of culture is not linear, especially not between different cultures. So called civilization, generally, is a symbol of progress. But, civilization makes the problem of global warming. So is the progress really progressive? Does progress bring happiness in us? The people of Bhutan have an individual average annual income of 1,400 dollars, but they are ranked 8th happiest in the study “World Map of Happiness” by a psychologist at University of Leicester in England.

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We talk about a lot of things, I would like to convey: we are “really” different.

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Believe yourself—when we are different from “the others”; be polite, reflective, and persistent.



Respect others—when the others are different from you, be polite, learning, and reflective.


The last but not the least, the existence of various thoughts, behaviors and values is the tone of a mutable society.  

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Extending Reading

Edward W. Said (1978) Orientalism

Herbert Marcuse (1964) One dimensional manStudies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society

Benedict Anderson (1983) Imagined CommunitiesReflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism

Charles Horton Cooley (1902) Human Nature and the Social Order

Herbert Spencer1876The Principles of Sociology

Glenn Jacobs (2006) Charles Horton Cooley: Imagining Social Reality



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